Wednesday, July 7, 2010


James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

God’s Best or better known to most people as Mr. Right is often casted in most discussion of most women my age (okay I am already in my mid 30’s…fine 35 to be exact!). Sure, we all (or at least most of us) dream of having a family of our own and a prince charming who would nurture and love us, someone who would give us a promise of F-O-R-E-V-E-R and would remain committed despite and in spite of. Unfortunately, some rush themselves in the dating scene when they see a potential (good looking, successful, confident, etc) who somehow showed some signal saying “hey, I’m available to date”. But the BIG question is…IS HE THE RIGHT GUY TO DATE? Before we rush ourselves to anything, we should always put into serious consideration our present and future compatibility and is he a gift from above? We should always ask these questions before we get stuck to something that will eventually bring us pain.

Dating can be really fun but I think the best way to get to know someone is to be in a comfortable environment of “friends” for a period of time; this would help you both to get to know his true self when he is with a comfortable company (lets face it, people always put their best foot forward). Try to find your common denominator; do you have the same future dreams? Would he rather live in the city or in the province? Would he rather live in a house or in a building? It is important to talk about this cause even if love conquers all but of course you want to at least lessen possible frustrations that might exist in the future.

One thing that you also have to seriously consider is if you see eye to eye on the issues of faith? You need someone who can share every aspect of your life, someone who can pray with you, commit to you, honor you no matter what and most importantly raise your children for the praise, honor and glory of the Lord, that is the very reason why the Bible warns us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

You might think that men might scare away if you ask these tons of questions but remember it’s HOW you ask; you may get to know important infos about the guy that you are checking-out in a very subtle way. You might also think that dating is still far-out from marriage but be wiley as a fox. So, date with caution and seek for GODLY wisdom. Search for someone who has godly character and pray that God would speak to your heart for you to know if he is the one or your life-long God’s Best for he only knows who’s the ONE for you….So what if you’re currently unattached? Smile, don’t rush, keep on praying, be patiently obedient and trust God.

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