Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Philippians 4:11-13
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well-fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

In this current world, contentment seems to be something that rarely exist. Everywhere we go, everywhere we look, it seems that all things around us dictate that we actually need everything in order for us to survive or be accepted by the society. I remember a friend telling me that one time, her 17-year-old daughter named Trisha was browsing Candy magazine. She commented that she feels as if that the teenagers are being dictated to buy all the things that are featured and that teens should look a certain way to fit or be noticed.... Sadly, the world works mightily on making people more focused on temporal and worldly things, the lure brings great amazement on the very people who think highly of themselves as someone important or those who hide behind the the smiles of confidence but quietly cry inside, seeking to be accepted.

I used to be someone who's very conscious about everything that can be seen by the way I dress, the way I speak, the way I will be perceived by people, etc. etc. for I thought that it was something that will help me succeed or rather be accepted in the world where I belonged. I was able to afford everything that I wanted, everything that will help me improve people's perception about me -- branded clothes, accessories, killer shoes, jewelries, anything that will help boost my confidence. My dependence on money increased, the higher the salary, the higher I spent, buying things that I don't even need (of course at that time I was justifying to myself & to others that I actually need it). My career became my idolatry for the monetary reward that it brings... contentment was something that I thought I had, only to realize that in reality it was just a word but never took it by heart.

When the Lord decided to take away the very thing that defined my life, I felt so devastated and lost. I felt I lost everything, the thought of giving up my own life crossed my mind.

I've gone through a lot of really painful experiences in the past years, things that I never imagined that I would have to go through in this lifetime. I came to a point when I doubted God's love for me, but the Lord revealed that He allowed me to go through things that would hurt me the most in order for me to appreciate everything that the He has given and is continuously giving me, for me to realize what contentment by heart means wherever and whatever situation I may be. Now, I can truly say that I learned the secret of being content in any and every situation and that is only through JESUS CHRIST.

I may have lost some things in the past but now with God in my life I gained everything that I would ever need -- true bliss, pure joy, heartfelt peace, unconditional love and real contentment.

Lord, thank you for the fire and faith-strengthening experiences, without it I will not be purified and ready for your will for me. I'm still a work in progress but I will always be humbly ready to take on anything for the praise, honor and glory of God.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

God’s Best or better known to most people as Mr. Right is often casted in most discussion of most women my age (okay I am already in my mid 30’s…fine 35 to be exact!). Sure, we all (or at least most of us) dream of having a family of our own and a prince charming who would nurture and love us, someone who would give us a promise of F-O-R-E-V-E-R and would remain committed despite and in spite of. Unfortunately, some rush themselves in the dating scene when they see a potential (good looking, successful, confident, etc) who somehow showed some signal saying “hey, I’m available to date”. But the BIG question is…IS HE THE RIGHT GUY TO DATE? Before we rush ourselves to anything, we should always put into serious consideration our present and future compatibility and is he a gift from above? We should always ask these questions before we get stuck to something that will eventually bring us pain.

Dating can be really fun but I think the best way to get to know someone is to be in a comfortable environment of “friends” for a period of time; this would help you both to get to know his true self when he is with a comfortable company (lets face it, people always put their best foot forward). Try to find your common denominator; do you have the same future dreams? Would he rather live in the city or in the province? Would he rather live in a house or in a building? It is important to talk about this cause even if love conquers all but of course you want to at least lessen possible frustrations that might exist in the future.

One thing that you also have to seriously consider is if you see eye to eye on the issues of faith? You need someone who can share every aspect of your life, someone who can pray with you, commit to you, honor you no matter what and most importantly raise your children for the praise, honor and glory of the Lord, that is the very reason why the Bible warns us in 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?

You might think that men might scare away if you ask these tons of questions but remember it’s HOW you ask; you may get to know important infos about the guy that you are checking-out in a very subtle way. You might also think that dating is still far-out from marriage but be wiley as a fox. So, date with caution and seek for GODLY wisdom. Search for someone who has godly character and pray that God would speak to your heart for you to know if he is the one or your life-long God’s Best for he only knows who’s the ONE for you….So what if you’re currently unattached? Smile, don’t rush, keep on praying, be patiently obedient and trust God.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Deuteronomy 5:16

"Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God has commanded you, so that you may live long and that it may go well with you in the land the LORD your God is giving you.

Growing up with my mom seems to be very challenging for me, 80 to 90% of my memory about her were those times where I am being physically and verbally abused whenever she’s mad about something that I did. I’m sure mom did a lot of things for me but funny cause the only heartfelt memory I had about her was the time that she fixed the collar of my uniform before I left home for school, I was like in grade 7 or 8 then. I never understood her, all I thought was she was always after me, her love language of discipline bruised my heart and soul more than my physical body, so much that it affected my behavior ‘til I became an adult without me realizing it. I felt unloved and unaccepted by the only mom that I knew.

My life had so much up and downs in search for the love that I thought I never had but when I met God, He revealed to me so much things that I’ve never seen nor realized and one of which was my mom’s love for me and how much I truly, truly love her. Sadly, I realized it in a painful way when time seems to be running out…

I received a news the other night that mom seemed to have lost her appetite and that she has a fever, it honestly brought a lot of fear in me for I am afraid that her cancer might already reached its worst stage. Mom has stage 3 breast cancer, one breast was removed last November 2009 but no further treatment was given to her for we cannot afford the chemo and radiation treatments plus the fact that we are all afraid that she might expire earlier than it should be. It’s been almost 8 months since then and I thank God for His grace that He kept mom alive and strong but in spite of it all I know that fear is just hiding in the core of my heart.

I wrote a letter for mom last night and I intend to give it this weekend, I poured my whole heart into it, for the first time I had to courage to tell her my vulnerability. I asked for forgiveness, for all my shortcomings and disobedience and for the times that I hurt her, I said sorry for not telling her face to face how much I truly love her. I can’t recall if there was a time that I actually told her how thankful I am to her for adopting me, for caring for me, for loving me and for treating me like her own. God made me realized that there may be a lot of unsaid sacrifices and uncried tears but mom chose to just be silent about it. I thank God for opening my eyes to what mom did and continuously doing for me, there may be several irritation and misunderstandings from the past and from time to time but the fact still remain that it all rooted because she loves me.

Lord, please give my mom and me more time to have a godly relationship. I know in the past 8 months I somehow remained to be the person that I was, a little tamed and better but somehow distant out of so much fear, fear of loosing her….Lord, I am deeply sorry!!! Please help me to have the boldness and the courage to show her how much I truly, truly love her, how much I cherish her and how much I truly care for her; Lord, at times that the enemy is trying to tear our relationship apart, please protect us and allow us to see each other through your eyes, let no disrespect exist at all cost no matter how painful it may become, let your love bridge us to have better understanding & compassion, help me not to dishonor my parents even at times of pain. Lord, please, allow our family be reconciled and have the time and opportunity to enjoy each others company as a whole family, worshipping and serving you Lord. Please make our family a living testimony that by your grace all things are possible…Lord, please comfort my heart, please heal my mom completely and please reconcile our family…Lord, I am begging for your mercy and grace, In Jesus name…

Mom, I love you so much and you may not have loved me the way I wanted but my heart knows that you have loved me and continuously loving me the best way you know how and for me that is more than enough.

Note: Please do include my mom (Natividad Marcelo) and our family in your prayer. Thank you and God bless

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Ephesians 2:8-9

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this nor from yourselves, it is a gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast

When was going through my life's most painful adversity, I remember I told someone that I was questioning God as to why did He allow such painful ordeal when I have been good to others (i.e. was donating to charity anonymously, was treating my office team well, was supporting my parents financially, etc..etc.). Until I heard from a Christian friend that being "mabait" is not enough. I got truly confused and I was questioning such statement in my mind, I tried to ask some Christian friends but still I cannot comprehend it.

Finally when I sincerely accepted Christ in my heart, slowly God made me understand by heart in ways that I too having a hard time explaining by words; truly it was all by GRACE.

As I learned about Ephesians 2:8-9, I realized that good works is not necessary a result of having a good heart as understood by the world. Good works sometimes is used as a tool to lessen or superficially erase the guilt of a person or often used as a void filler in ones heart; more often people think that good works is actually a way to earn God's blessings (even if good deeds is anonymously done), but that is not what the Bible tells us.

Good works should be a by-product of our faith. God looks at the sincerity of our heart and not through our good deeds; for God, it is far important that we have a loving & faithful heart to Him more than anything else. When we do good works to others, have a heart check, you may hear people's appreciation of what you did or even say that you have a "good heart" or " you're an angel from heaven" but at the end of the day ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT'S IN YOUR HEART", so do not allow those words to succumb you but instead check your heart if the Holy Spirit was the one who moved you.

Have a heart check. When judgment day comes, God will not ask you how many charity (known or unknown) or good works you did but instead He will check the sincerity of your heart. Put your faith in the Lord first and let the Holy Spirit lead and move you to do things according to His will....When you obey do it it all for His honor and glory.

To God be all the praise, honor and glory!!!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pre-Marital Sex

1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

A friend once asked me, why is pre-marital sex is prohibited by God when in fact it was beautifully designed by God himself? I honestly didn't see that question coming so I smiled and it took me a few second to answer, for I was thinking and asking for God's help on how to properly address the question without offending anyone.

The topic of pre-marital sex is something that is not being debated upon anymore. Often, it's just being practiced then talked about after doing the deed. From what I heard most people sees such act with a high degree of normalcy, without realizing the damage that could bring...

Pre-marital sex is the devil's lure in this modern world..."As long as you're in love it's okay", "As long as it feels good, then go for it.", "Everybody's doing it anyway, why can't we?"

Most people nowadays are guilty of disobedience when it comes to pre-marital sex, either we chose to remain blind and believe that we are just living life to the fullest or we just want to believe that our current act will not have any eternal consequences...

As Christians, we should always be reminded of what God has commanded us,
we should not allow ourselves be indulged to immoral sexual pleasure; Yes, the Lord was indeed the creator of sex and its truly a beautiful and pleasurable act however God designed it for the pleasure of married couples, meaning it should only be done in the confinement of marriage.

Before, I honestly do not understand why something pleasurable is prohibited by its creator; honestly I was even justifying such act when I get into a sort of a debate and I can't truly fathom why the Lord wouldn't allow something that feels really good be practiced by single people or by a married person other than his/her husband or wife? Until God revealed to me the (devil's) lies and complications that it brings if we insist or continue to live in disobedience.

God loves us so much that's why He will never take away our free will but we should always bear in mind that God wants our obedience. Funny how some people expects God to bless them in spite of their disobedience to the Lord, why do you think God would answer your prayer if you don't live according to his will? What made you think that your current blessing of prosperity is from God when in fact you are living a compromising life? Beware, living in sin and still feel blessed is the the devil's trick to further lead you to sin and bring you away from God; For when we are living a comfortable life (and still can get away with our disobedience) we often forget to live the way God ought us to be.

Live a pure life, do not abuse His grace, be obedient, stay away from immoral sex. Do not allow lust to control you nor your emotions. God will bless you only so long as you are controlling what you do for His honor. Abstain and ask the Lord for strength and by His grace He will not allow you to fall prey to the power of lust.

It's not too late to start, make a covenant to the Lord...I did! No regrets cause its all worth it! :)

2 Corinthian 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

1 Thessalonians 4:3-6

God wants you to be holy, so don't be immoral in matters of sex. Don't be a slave of your desires or live like people who do not know God. You must not cheat any of the Lord's followers in matter of sex. Remember we warned you that he punishes everyone who does such things.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I used to be a huge fan of self-help books and motivational articles, for like any other individual I always wanted to look and be at my personal best. It didn't surprised me at all when I read that self-help books ranked #1 in sales above all other books in any book store, no wonder when you checked the best seller rack such kind of book is always on Top 10.

There is nothing wrong to desire to further improve our self or our quality of life but often many of these books and articles send mixed messages about confidence; The primary message of most self-help books is to depend on yourself and believe in yourself, all are focused on your own self alone, sometimes I wonder -- where is God in the equation?...

It is a worthy endeavor to make the most out of what God has given us but regardless of lengths to which we are willing to go on the journey of finding our confidence and worth , it will all be external and temporary if we don't include Christ in the picture; True confidence lies in our hearts and it can only be found through Christ alone.

We were all born searching for significance, we all wanted to find our worth by being confident and improving ourselves and our life, often we are deceived by the world that confidence, peer acceptance and success is what should define our life. With your current confidence, can you truthfully say that you have joy and peace in your heart? where does your confidence rely?

The Bible warns us that confidence in our own strengths, beauty or righteousness is foolish. Don't be trapped, I was once a victim of the world's deception, I grew up with low self-esteem, then I learned to read self-help books to improve myself. I became very confident, my quality of life improved, there was a boost of power which felt like the world owes me something. I became pretty much successful in my field and I thought that it was all because of me and at that time I thought that God was just a divine force that exist some place that I haven't didn't occur to me that everything that I had came from the Lord, may be I knew it somehow but I took Him for granted. When God took away everything so is my confidence and self-worth vanished on thin took me a while to understand until God revealed Himself to me.

Today, I thank God for giving me true confidence, peace and assurance that He loves me and that I am valuable and precious to Him...The lesson I learned is when you realize who you are in Christ and who He really is, it gives you all the confidence you'll ever need, His love alone can bring out the best in anyone.

To God be all the praise, honor and glory.

Proverbs 3:26
The Lord will be your confidence.


Isaiah 41:10

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.

My mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer last October 2009, I was with her when the doctor broke the news, it didn’t came as a surprise though for prior to the biopsy we already had a hint of what it might be but of course we were all hoping that it won’t be what we thought it was….

My mom was strong enough to take the news; her face had no sign of any fear. In my case, I tried to show strength and tried to ask the doctor as much questions and had him interpreted the answers in layman. I tried my best to held on to the tears which were about to fall, fears succumb my whole being; A lot of how’s and what questions were running in my head….How can we pay for the operation? Would my mom agree to have her right breast be taken out? Etc…etc. It was the first time in our family to face the big C, stage 2 it may seem but in my head it’s still CANCER.

I felt helpless…for a time I doubted God’s love for me. Before the Big C struck my mom I was also going through series of hard knocks…been jobless for more than a year, irreconcilable family, a drunkard father who is always on rage, household bills, unpaid loans, a car that was badly hit by typhoon Ondoy then a mom who was diagnosed with cancer…I asked God what else? What did I do to deserve all these, why do I have to go through these when I’ve already started seriously walking in faith? WHY?.... I asked friends for prayers but I myself was having a hard time to pray, I was discouraged and badly hurt but in spite of how I feel I knew in my heart that He’s the ONLY one who can help me.

Days passed November came when a friend of a relative volunteered her brother in law (who happen to be a surgeon) to conduct the operation, he waived his professional fee and all we need to pay for was the hospital expenses. It was a pleasant surprise, a surprise that we never expected. Deep in my heart I knew that the Lord was showing me signs of hope…an opportunity for me to repent and put my full dependence and trust on Him.

November 17, the day of the operation. The whole afternoon, I was just in the hospital waiting…quarter before 8pm, we were informed that we may already see mom in the recovery room, I chose not to go inside for I was uncertain on how should I act and react when I see her. Hours after, she was already brought in her room, drugged and weak, she was sleeping the whole time, I checked on her breast and it saddened me for it dawned to me how hard it might be to loose a part of your womanhood. For hours I was just watching TV but when dawn came, I just found myself staring and crying endlessly in silence. The whole time I was crying my heart out to the Lord asking Him for a favorable result of my mom’s specimen test.

Mom was discharged 3 days after, a week or two later I took the test result, on my way to the hospital I remember what my brother told me when we were in the hospital “be ready for what we are dreading the most might come sooner than later” but I refused to accept a possible fact for I know in my heart that God has other plans.

I arrived in the hospital to take the result and I had to asked him the meaning of what was written on the paper, and he said stage 3 bordering to 4, I froze for a while, I didn’t know what to say…I rushed into my car and called my brother, the whole time I was driving, tears were falling endlessly and I kept on asking God to reveal His plan for us. I tried to seek for a treatment that we can afford, mom has to go through several chemotherapy and radiation but it will cost us almost a million and we are not even sure if she would even agree to go through it or would she survive after?

I literally plead to God every night, I was asking for His mercy, compassion and grace. I was like a child weeping on bed amidst the dark night…

Heavenly Father,

I know you have a reason for everything, I may not understand it now but I will blindly trust you no matter how hard it may be for me now. Lord, please help me pray for I am having such a hard time to pray. I know in my heart that you are the only one who can help me and my family. Lord, you know in my heart that I want my mom to be healed but if your plan is otherwise I will just be asking you for 3 things, please do not allow her to suffer in pain, please ensure me of her salvation, I am holding on to your promise that when one is saved you will save the entire household and lastly, please reconcile us and teach our family how to forgive before you let her leave us…

Seven months passed, no treatments, no sufficient medication maintenance, only alkaline water and fresh fruits, but its such a joy for me to share that she’s physically strong and she doesn’t feel any pain, she in fact always have the energy to go out with her friends, she’s truly enjoying life to the fullest. We are still unsure if she’s already cancer free but I am trusting God on my mom and our family’s fate. With or without treatment if its God’s time, its God’s time.

Truly God is a remarkable, amazing and awesome God. Through all my ordeals God made me realized the importance of the things I often take for granted, God opened my eyes as to what faith and trusting is all about and most importantly, God truly, truly helped me fully understand what G-R-A-C-E means…Every time I look or even just thought about my life and my mom, I can’t help but to thank the Lord for His love, mercy, faithfulness and grace.

Often, it’s hard to understand why certain things happen in our lives, why we had to go through several hard knocks, rock bottom pains. But I realized that the reason behind it because God loves us and He wants to mold our character through faith-strengthening experiences, He wants to humble us in order for us to be reminded that we need to trust & love Him and be fully dependent on Him, Him alone. God can always choose to send someone to monetarily help us and my mom for her treatment but God chose not to in order for me to witness His grace and believe that money nor science is not the answer.

God’s ways is truly unfathomable. And I know in my heart that sooner or later He will answer all my prayer for my family and His grace will reconcile my parents and siblings and bring them all to salvation. I am looking forward to the day where I will be worshipping the Lord with my whole family.

To God be all the honor, praise and glory!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010


1 Corinthians 10:13

No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

I was sitting beside my friends' office table when I read something on her devotional calendar "Conscious is when you are aware of something. And conscience is when you wish you weren't." What I read truly made me pause and think for a while then I asked myself, do some Christians now a days would rather ignore their consciousness and conscience just to be able to pursue the things or people that they thought they love or need?...

I have a Christian male acquaintance who is in-love to his female friend. The two are both Christians since little kids, seemed perfect, both attended Sunday school and are equally yoked but sadly the attraction or so called "love" lead them be deceived and indulged themselves to the call of the flesh.

A lot of people now a days give more importance on how they feel about someone than giving weight on how much God loves us. We do certain things to please the people we love, we change our sinful (drinking, smoking, etc) ways, we give-in to their sinful (but feel good) lures, tricks or requests (petting or maybe even pre-marital sex) but did you ever ask yourself, am I doing the right thing? And who do I want to please, God or her/him? Is how I feel about the person is already turning into a form of idolatry? Remember that idols does not only come in a form of wood or stone, idolatry is anything that we worship or prioritize above God.

God knows we are not perfect but allowing ourselves to give in to a sin that we are conscious about and denying the call of our conscience is an act of disobedience to the Lord, we should always bear in mind that for the Lord Obedience is better than sacrifice.

1 Timothy 1:19
Cling tightly to your faith in Christ, and always keep your conscience clear.

Keep On Praying!

"Why be persistent? How come my answers sometimes don't come immediately? Why should I keep on praying when the answer doesn't come in my time table?"

Keep on praying when there's no answer, because persistent praying helps me focus on God. God wants me to remember that He alone is the source of my answers to prayer. The Bible says in Philippians 4:19, "And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
God wants us to see Him alone as the source of our needs. When we have to pray about something over and over, who do we look to? We look to the Lord.

Persistent prayer focuses our attention. Have you discovered that we like to look to everybody else to solve our problem except the Lord? We look to our friends, we look to our family, we look to counselors, we look to the government, we look to anybody -- except the Lord. God often delays an answer to force you to focus on Him. Persistent praying also clarifies my requests. A delayed answer a lot of times gives me time to clarify what do I really want. Time separates deep longings from mere whims. I've prayed for things and sometimes during the delay decided I didn't really want them after all.

God delays the answer to test you. It's not that He doesn't want to give it to you, He wants to know if you really want it. Do you want it enough to keep praying? Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek for me with all your heart." Nothing worthwhile is accomplished with half-hearted prayers.

Persistent prayer will prepare me for the answer. God usually wants to do more than you are praying for. Surprise! God wants to do it greater and He needs time to get you ready for it. There are changes God wants to make in you. Ephesians 3:20 "Now glory be to God, who by his mighty power at work within us, is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, or hopes."

People say, "Prayer changes things." Of course we know it is God who does the changing. But prayer changes you. And God is more interested in you than He is in circumstances. Often as soon as you've made the change in your life the doors of heaven open and the answer comes. Expect a miracle.

Persistent praying strengthens and develops your faith. A mark of maturity is how long can you wait. Galatians 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." God’s saying, "Hang on! Be patient! The harvest is coming. Don't give up! Look up!"

We want to encourage you to take time daily focusing on God, reading His word and talking to Him. We liken this to dating, in which we spend time with someone to get to know them better, to learn more about her/him. Likewise, we spend time with God daily to know Him better.

When Is Prayer Denied?

This morning, God gave an opportunity to listen to His amazing message through Dawn Watch. The message really struck me that lead me to make my own version (based on what I learned). Hope you’ll take time to read.

When is Prayer Denied?

I know that most of us already asked these questions once or even twice in our lifetime:

• Why is God not answering my prayer when my intentions are all for the good?

• Why did God choose to keep His silence when I desperately need or want something which I know
would be good for me?

• Why would God allow me to go through hard times when what I do would be beneficial to others as

• Why God didn’t answer my prayer when I have been living a good life and even shared my blessings
to others?

• Why things didn’t turn out the way I prayed for?


These are the lessons that we need to remember:

Lesson 1:
Just because we Christians are His child doesn’t mean we can demand God to answer our prayer our way

In Matthew 7:7-8 it says, Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to Him who knocks, the door will be opened. Though this is true and correct but God also checks the motives of our hearts when we ask for something. In Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in His own sight but the Lord weighs the motives. Sometimes when we ask God for something in prayer, we are unconscious of the desires of our own motives for we focus ourselves too much on our own desires without knowing or taking in consideration of God’s purpose in our lives.; what we often don’t realize is that what we often desire and pray for is something that would glorify ourselves and not God. We need to ask ourselves these questions:

1. Was I pushing for this because of EGO (Edging God Out)? Was this something I wanted , which
wasn’t God wanted?
2. Did God close the door to protect me form something that I just couldn’t see?

Proverbs 16:5 Everyone who is proud is an abomination to the Lord. Assuredly he will not be unpunished.

Lesson 2:
Prayer must be accompanied by personal responsibility

Work as if everything is dependent on you
Pray as if everything is dependent on GOD

As I tread on life, I realized and observed that people are working so hard and yet they become more self reliant and depend only on themselves (this was my personal mistake in the past) and sometimes on people that surrounds them. Though there are some people who work hard and also pray hard but more often they just pray and demand to God the result they wanted and forget to focus on what God really wanted.

Proverbs 16:9 In His heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines His steps

In this modern world where most people seeks for happiness instead of joy, where people rely on what is dictated by the modern world rather than God’s purpose, where living here on earth is perceived as a privilege rather than a gift, when people give more importance on good works as a means to salvation. What we often fail to realize that we are made for God’s purpose. Christianity is not easy in fact it’s impossible but God’s grace is sufficient to carry us through life’s hardest trek. We should have Jesus in our hearts in every little thing that we do; we should always do what is pleasing to God and not to men. It should be our personal responsibility to live a life that is pleasing only to God for prayers should be accompanied with faith and a transformed life through grace. Sometimes our thoughts can deceive us but God sees everything including our heart’s core motives.

Lesson 3:
God’s non answer is actually His answer

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good

He answers our prayer in His own time and in His own ways and not in the way that we want it and when we want it for He alone knows what is best for us.

When you sense that your plan is thwarted, never let go of your faith but instead draw yourself much closer to Him and hold His cloak tightly, stay faithful and obedient, do not take refuge to things that would only bring temporal happiness; surrender and trust everything to Him and ask Him to lead your heart’s desire according His will. Remember that merely knowing about what God has done for us is not enough, live Christ by heart.

Remember that life on earth is just a stop over so involve only on things that has eternal value.

Boast only on God’s sufficiency, trust on His grace, live obediently, stay faithful…let go and surrender every little thing about your life to Him and Him alone. Prove the sincerity of your faith by turning away from a life of sin.

Job 22:21 Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you.

God did a lot of amazing things in my life!!! There are no fitting words to describe how he blessed me so much. It’s amazing to live life with a peaceful and joyful heart in spite being in a chaotic world.

Thank you Jesus for your blessing, mercy and grace, Thank you God for taking me out of the dark and opening my eyes to things that I failed to see. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness, for changing my heart, for giving me a better perspective and for transforming my life in a way that I never imagined. Lord, you are truly amazing! And I am looking forward of embracing you in Heaven.

How can we experience God's miracles in our life?

1. Invite Him

• Notice that Jesus was willing to attend a party; true spirituality is not “kill joy”.
Jesus welcomed sinners, ate with them and spent time with them. True
spirituality is to be like Jesus; He was in the world but not of the world.

• Jesus was always available; he attended a wedding party. Invite Jesus to your
life; invite Him to your parties, to your family, to your wedding and your
marriage. To experience miracles, make sure Jesus is present and that He is
involved in every area of your life.

• Not because Jesus is present, doesn’t mean you wouldn’t have a problem. At
the wedding in Cana, they had a problem but in the presence of Jesus, they
experienced miracle; take problems as opportunities to experience God’s
miracle in your life.

2. Tell Him your concerns

• If you want miracles in your life, tell Jesus all of your problems. You can tell
Him all your problems, big and small.

• Don’t put Jesus in a box. Do not dictate to Him your schedule and what you
expect Him to do. Be patient to wait; Jesus will perform miracles in your life
according to His timetable.

• God has the best interest in your life. God will take away something (someone)
from your life, and in His time, He will replace it with something better.
Appreciate problems to experience Jesus’ miracles.

3. Trust Him

• God is teaching us a principle, to do our part to experience His miracles: to
invite Him in our life; tell Him all our problems; and trust His way and His
timetable (Psalm 31:14-15).

• God designed us to experience adversities in life so that we could be strong in
our faith and experience God’s miracles. Adversities are opportunities to
experience God performing miracles in our life.

• Many times we are influenced by our past, which makes us difficult to trust, but
regardless of our past, we need to trust God and believe that He is in control of
our life.

4. Obey Him

• To obey Him is to do whatever He says you to do (learn from Mary’s obedience)
and to follow His instructions.

• It is hard to obey because sometimes it doesn’t make sense, but when you trust
God, you will be willing to obey.

• When you invite Jesus and He begins to touch your life, the ordinary can
become extra-ordinary (like the water turning into wine).


Start inviting Jesus in your life, tell Him all your concerns; tell Him everything that pains you, everything that brings you joy, tell Him all your laughter and tears. Be honest with Him no matter how lame, shallow, small or ridiculous you think your concerns are…do not be afraid nor be ashamed to tell Him what you feel. Then, learn to trust Him, surrender everything to Him, believe in your heart that nothing will come in your life that He can’t handle, never give-up and wait obediently; no matter how long may it take stay obedient and believe me He will reveal to you more than what you have asked for, for He only want what’s best for you.

To God be all the Honor & Glory!!!!

Integrity...God sees ALL our ways

During the time of the former Anti-Piracy head, when authorities are receiving reports that pirated CDs are being sold in certain areas, they immediately conduct an investigation and prove if the reports received were right. Based on the news, a lot of pirated CD stores were raided and closed down for they have violated a crime under the anti-piracy law.

Seldom we get penalized or rewarded by our decisions, but we become what our choices reflect. For example, majority would say, “if those who intend to sell pirated CDs could get away with it, why not do it? Isn’t that what most people would do anyway?it's now very open and acceptable by many. As these would perpetuate the wrong they know is illegal, they become what they do.

As Oswald Chambers wrote in his book, My utmost Highest for the Highest, “ My worth to God in public is what I am in private.” Whether or not you get away with something is not the issue, we become the kind of person that we choose to be.

In Proverbs 11:3, The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Your integrity or the lack of it is not made in a crisis or a moment of temptation; it is only exhibited.

Can we learn from our failures or mistakes? At times getting caught when we commit a mistake or a crime can be the best thing that can happen to us. It depends on whether you become broken, remorseful, and repentant; or calloused and indifferent.

Inspired from the book of Harold Sala (Finding Strength and Refuge)

Jesus My Brother, My Friend, My Savior and God

Whenever I feel hurt and lonely

I just try to remind myself how much Jesus loves me

His love serves no boundaries

The kind of love that takes all my worries and fears.

Thank you Jesus for loving me with all your heart;

And I know through your grace nothing could tear me apart...

Thank you my brother, my friend, my Saviour and God.

Enlightened Shadow

I used to walk in the valley of shadows

Where my heart was filled with sadness

My eyes were drowning with tears

Was confused as to which pathway to take

In the hope to see the light;

But fears enveloped me for I do not know how would it feel like...

So I walked...

I ran...

For years I had no direction

All I know was I want to get out

But I can't...

I don't want to stay

But I was helpless

Bondaged but on denial

I searched and searched...

For things that would define contentment...

I thought I've reached summer

But when I opened my eyes I was still in the coldness of winter.

I didn't know what to do...

What to think...

All I know was I feel so alone and empty;

I reformed but back slided

Little did I know that I can't do it by myself

For I was only transformed with God's grace....

Good Works...Good Heart...

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this nor from yourselves, it is a gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:8-9)

When was going through my life's most painful adversity, I remember I told someone that I was questioning God as to why did He allow such painful ordeal when I have been good to others (i.e. was donating to charity anonymously, was treating my office team well, was supporting my parents financially, etc..etc.). Until I heard from a Christian friend that being "mabait" is not enough. I got truly confused and I was questioning such statement in my mind, I tried to ask some Christian friends but still I cannot comprehend it.

Finally when I sincerely accepted Christ in my heart, slowly God made me understand by heart in ways that I too having a hard time explaining by words; truly it was all by GRACE.

As I learned about Ephesians 2:8-9, I realized that good works is not necessary a result of having a good heart as understood by the world. Good works sometimes is used as a tool to lessen or superficially erase the guilt of a person or often used as a void filler in ones heart; more often people think that good works is actually a way to earn God's blessings (even if good deeds is anonymously done), but that is not what the Bible tells us.

Good works should be a by-product of our faith. God looks at the sincerity of our heart and not through our good deeds; for God, it is far important that we have a loving & faithful heart to Him more than anything else. When we do good works to others, have a heart check, you may hear people's appreciation of what you did or even say that you have a "good heart" or " you're an angel from heaven" but at the end of the day ONLY GOD KNOWS WHAT'S IN YOUR HEART", so do not allow those words to succumb you but instead check your heart if the Holy Spirit was the one who moved you.

Have a heart check. When judgment day comes, God will not ask you how many charity (known or unknown) or good works you did but instead He will check the sincerity of your heart. Put your faith in the Lord first and let the Holy Spirit lead and move you to do things according to His will....When you obey do it it all for His honor and glory.

To God be all the praise, honor and glory!!!!!

Is Your Hearts' Desire Aligned To His Will?

Does God ever give you what you have prayed for when it is less thank His best for you? A passage that reviews 40 years God's people walked in the dessert, contains a sobering reference to this. In Psalm 106:15 it says " So God gave them what they asked for but sent a wasting disease upon them"

When we pray there are three questions that we need to ask ourselves:

First, ask, "Is what I'm asking God to do is consistent with God has revealed in His word?' This is important because God cannot contradict Himself. Like for instance, a man is praying for his God's Best and yet the woman that he is praying for is a divorced woman; in Luke 16:18 it says, "anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery."

For the second question, ask, "Am I praying for God's will in this whole matter?" We are to ask in faith, believing that God will honor His Word, yet the highest form of faith is praying as Jesus did, "Not my will but yours be done." It is a man's nature to be selfish at times but by God's grace and as our faith and love grows, its best to ask God to align our hearts' desire according to His will; Often complications, doubt, disappointment and frustrations come when we insist what we want vis' a vis' God's will. The enemy will surely take advantage of our selfish desires which will eventually lead us to go against the will of God.

Lastly, ask yourself, "Will God be glorified in what we are asking Him to do?" Praying that you'll win a client pitch means someone else will loose; Instead pray for God to bless your presentation that whatever you say, do and think at that moment will give honor, praise and glory to God and that whatever the result may be, God will humble your heart to be able to accept His least win or loose you will not loose your Christ-confidence.

In 1 John 5;14-15, This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked Him." Take that by heart.

To God be all the praise, honor and glory.

- Strength & Refuge by Harold Sala
- NIV Bible - New Testament

Giving your Best To The Lord

Giving your Best to the Lord means you... and respect people unconditionally

...treat people with respect even if they disrespect you

...respect other people's time by not coming in late

...come to the office on time even if the boss won't be around

...say no to unlikely business compromises and only follow His righteousness

...prioritize the Lord above all things your wife second to God (for husbands)

...respect and submit to your husband no matter what (for wives)

...obey / honor your parents even if they are in their most unlovable mood

...put God in your priority everyday and not only every Sunday

...say sorry to those you hurt, most especially to those who hurt you

...don't just give your left overs, but you give the best that you can give to the poor and needy

...are always willing to give quality time everyday for the Lord

...know how to be a good steward of all His blessings

...choose to give time to know Him and His words over the cares of the world

...listen,trust and abide in Him

...fear and love the Lord with all your heart,with all your mind and with all your soul


How do you live your life now? For God or for the world? It's time to know where your investment is....the world? or eternal life?

If you haven't thought of that yet... it's time.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Women generally spend so much time and money (some even millions) trying to be beautiful and attractive, I too was guilty of such....Women tend to spend on things that would help us feel and look good -- make-up, clothes, hair treatments, some even surgery, weight loss program, skin care, designer bags and shoes, etc...etc.. always trying to look expensive in order to please others and the funny thing is sometimes we do it to please even the people that we hate! hhhmmm....In spite of it all,more often even if we achieve our goals on becoming beautiful and enjoy the compliments everywhere, why is it we still feel ugly and/or empty inside? Why?....

Deep down in our heart, we sense that we are made to be truly beautiful, that God created women for loveliness. But unfortunately, we often choose to forget and always tend to seek on superficial ways that the world offer concentrating only on what is in the outside than working from the inside...Did you ever wonder why even the most expensive skin caviar in the world doesn't seem to work? why make-ups can't deny the loneliness in our eyes? you may achieve physical attractiveness that would attract people but the question is, are you attracting the right people? No matter what you do, nothing on earth can truly,truly touch your soul, make your heart truly joyful and can transform your life to ways that you can never imagine...Ever wonder why? because only the grace of Jesus can.

When we shift our hearts' focus from making ourselves beautiful on the outside to opening our mind, heart and soul to our Savior, unfathomable transformation will happen. God will begin by healing our wounds that made who we are and will lead us to behave, think and feel different from before and from the ways of the world. The Lord will bring wholeness to our hearts, He will fill our love tanks, purify our hearts and lift our spirits even at times of troubles -- removing our sin, sorrow or pain by making us understand the deep seated root of our hang-ups and He will reveal us our real selves where true beauty begins...the beauty that can only be true through the Holy Spirit. Real beauty is God's grace to us and it can only shine when we repent and receive Him, and by being unafraid to show the vulnerability of our true self not only to God but to people (very liberating!); a true act of humility. Stop pretending and denying, be not afraid for the Bible says, the Lord walks before you, with you and He will never forsake you no matter what.....

The Lord can make us shine only through His light... True beauty can only be achieved when we allow God to need not to be expensive and no amount of worldly things can over power God's love and grace -- a free gift that we can never earn.

Invest on what's ETERNAL and not on the external....


John 15:7
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be given to you....

Are you such a busy bee? Too busy that you either wish to have more bodies or more time or more people just to be able to finish everything that has to be done? We are all living in a fast paced world, often we are having a hard time to focus due to the many things that we need to do. I am sure you heard the word multi-tasking, which originally pertained to a computer rapidly alternating between several active tasks. However, the word is now more commonly associated to people who does several things at the same time. Multi-tasking is not only a common term in a business setting or in a workplace but it is unfortunately also a common happening in modern families – families having dinner while watching TV or teen-agers doing their homework while chatting on the phone, what about on the street? How many drivers have you seen texting while driving? How sad…. On a fast paced environment where demand of getting things done ASAP is increasing, we can all be easily tempted to sometimes forego the most important task in our lives and that is to worship the Lord. When life becomes too busy, our time with the Lord tends to be pushed aside, righteousness are often forgotten and we get easily trapped on the norms of the world and sadly we sometimes even justify our wrong doing for the sake of pleasing people and just to submit ourselves to the demand of the times. Do you ever wonder how come in spite of the increasing discoveries and usage of time-saving stuffs like mobile phones, internet, etc. we still feel pressured and rushed? We should all learn to take time to stop, be still and just be simply quiet; that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out of town all the time but what I meant was we need to give time in the presence of the Lord E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y. If we can afford to over sleep or to watch TV, or to have dinner or coffee with friends or to even check our Facebook or Twitter account each day then I think there is no reason why we can’t give time to pray, read and meditate His word. Take time to talk and listen to God and enjoy the blessings of His comforting presence, giving Him time is an act of humility for we are acknowledging that we need Him in our life and He’s our only armor from the attacks of the enemy. It is only through Him that we can experience true joy, contentment and peace that can succumb even the most painful experience that life may bring, He’s the only way where our heart could understand what grace truly means. A vacation can refresh us and give us rest but the happiness and comfort it brings won’t be enough to shield us from our daily challenges. Only God can give us a peaceful sense. God is always ready, He’s just waiting for you to slow down and see Him; Seek God through prayer and His Words. And I assure you God will never be too busy for you.

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the word was with God, and the Word was God...