Friday, June 18, 2010

Integrity...God sees ALL our ways

During the time of the former Anti-Piracy head, when authorities are receiving reports that pirated CDs are being sold in certain areas, they immediately conduct an investigation and prove if the reports received were right. Based on the news, a lot of pirated CD stores were raided and closed down for they have violated a crime under the anti-piracy law.

Seldom we get penalized or rewarded by our decisions, but we become what our choices reflect. For example, majority would say, “if those who intend to sell pirated CDs could get away with it, why not do it? Isn’t that what most people would do anyway?it's now very open and acceptable by many. As these would perpetuate the wrong they know is illegal, they become what they do.

As Oswald Chambers wrote in his book, My utmost Highest for the Highest, “ My worth to God in public is what I am in private.” Whether or not you get away with something is not the issue, we become the kind of person that we choose to be.

In Proverbs 11:3, The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity. Your integrity or the lack of it is not made in a crisis or a moment of temptation; it is only exhibited.

Can we learn from our failures or mistakes? At times getting caught when we commit a mistake or a crime can be the best thing that can happen to us. It depends on whether you become broken, remorseful, and repentant; or calloused and indifferent.

Inspired from the book of Harold Sala (Finding Strength and Refuge)

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