Women generally spend so much time and money (some even millions) trying to be beautiful and attractive, I too was guilty of such....Women tend to spend on things that would help us feel and look good -- make-up, clothes, hair treatments, some even surgery, weight loss program, skin care, designer bags and shoes, etc...etc.. always trying to look expensive in order to please others and the funny thing is sometimes we do it to please even the people that we hate! hhhmmm....In spite of it all,more often even if we achieve our goals on becoming beautiful and enjoy the compliments everywhere, why is it we still feel ugly and/or empty inside? Why?....
Deep down in our heart, we sense that we are made to be truly beautiful, that God created women for loveliness. But unfortunately, we often choose to forget and always tend to seek on superficial ways that the world offer concentrating only on what is in the outside than working from the inside...Did you ever wonder why even the most expensive skin caviar in the world doesn't seem to work? why make-ups can't deny the loneliness in our eyes? you may achieve physical attractiveness that would attract people but the question is, are you attracting the right people? No matter what you do, nothing on earth can truly,truly touch your soul, make your heart truly joyful and can transform your life to ways that you can never imagine...Ever wonder why? because only the grace of Jesus can.
When we shift our hearts' focus from making ourselves beautiful on the outside to opening our mind, heart and soul to our Savior, unfathomable transformation will happen. God will begin by healing our wounds that made who we are and will lead us to behave, think and feel different from before and from the ways of the world. The Lord will bring wholeness to our hearts, He will fill our love tanks, purify our hearts and lift our spirits even at times of troubles -- removing our sin, sorrow or pain by making us understand the deep seated root of our hang-ups and He will reveal us our real selves where true beauty begins...the beauty that can only be true through the Holy Spirit. Real beauty is God's grace to us and it can only shine when we repent and receive Him, and by being unafraid to show the vulnerability of our true self not only to God but to people (very liberating!); a true act of humility. Stop pretending and denying, be not afraid for the Bible says, the Lord walks before you, with you and He will never forsake you no matter what.....
The Lord can make us shine only through His light... True beauty can only be achieved when we allow God to take-over...beauty need not to be expensive and no amount of worldly things can over power God's love and grace -- a free gift that we can never earn.
Invest on what's ETERNAL and not on the external....
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