Friday, June 18, 2010

When Is Prayer Denied?

This morning, God gave an opportunity to listen to His amazing message through Dawn Watch. The message really struck me that lead me to make my own version (based on what I learned). Hope you’ll take time to read.

When is Prayer Denied?

I know that most of us already asked these questions once or even twice in our lifetime:

• Why is God not answering my prayer when my intentions are all for the good?

• Why did God choose to keep His silence when I desperately need or want something which I know
would be good for me?

• Why would God allow me to go through hard times when what I do would be beneficial to others as

• Why God didn’t answer my prayer when I have been living a good life and even shared my blessings
to others?

• Why things didn’t turn out the way I prayed for?


These are the lessons that we need to remember:

Lesson 1:
Just because we Christians are His child doesn’t mean we can demand God to answer our prayer our way

In Matthew 7:7-8 it says, Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to Him who knocks, the door will be opened. Though this is true and correct but God also checks the motives of our hearts when we ask for something. In Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in His own sight but the Lord weighs the motives. Sometimes when we ask God for something in prayer, we are unconscious of the desires of our own motives for we focus ourselves too much on our own desires without knowing or taking in consideration of God’s purpose in our lives.; what we often don’t realize is that what we often desire and pray for is something that would glorify ourselves and not God. We need to ask ourselves these questions:

1. Was I pushing for this because of EGO (Edging God Out)? Was this something I wanted , which
wasn’t God wanted?
2. Did God close the door to protect me form something that I just couldn’t see?

Proverbs 16:5 Everyone who is proud is an abomination to the Lord. Assuredly he will not be unpunished.

Lesson 2:
Prayer must be accompanied by personal responsibility

Work as if everything is dependent on you
Pray as if everything is dependent on GOD

As I tread on life, I realized and observed that people are working so hard and yet they become more self reliant and depend only on themselves (this was my personal mistake in the past) and sometimes on people that surrounds them. Though there are some people who work hard and also pray hard but more often they just pray and demand to God the result they wanted and forget to focus on what God really wanted.

Proverbs 16:9 In His heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines His steps

In this modern world where most people seeks for happiness instead of joy, where people rely on what is dictated by the modern world rather than God’s purpose, where living here on earth is perceived as a privilege rather than a gift, when people give more importance on good works as a means to salvation. What we often fail to realize that we are made for God’s purpose. Christianity is not easy in fact it’s impossible but God’s grace is sufficient to carry us through life’s hardest trek. We should have Jesus in our hearts in every little thing that we do; we should always do what is pleasing to God and not to men. It should be our personal responsibility to live a life that is pleasing only to God for prayers should be accompanied with faith and a transformed life through grace. Sometimes our thoughts can deceive us but God sees everything including our heart’s core motives.

Lesson 3:
God’s non answer is actually His answer

Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the Lord is good

He answers our prayer in His own time and in His own ways and not in the way that we want it and when we want it for He alone knows what is best for us.

When you sense that your plan is thwarted, never let go of your faith but instead draw yourself much closer to Him and hold His cloak tightly, stay faithful and obedient, do not take refuge to things that would only bring temporal happiness; surrender and trust everything to Him and ask Him to lead your heart’s desire according His will. Remember that merely knowing about what God has done for us is not enough, live Christ by heart.

Remember that life on earth is just a stop over so involve only on things that has eternal value.

Boast only on God’s sufficiency, trust on His grace, live obediently, stay faithful…let go and surrender every little thing about your life to Him and Him alone. Prove the sincerity of your faith by turning away from a life of sin.

Job 22:21 Submit to God and be at peace with Him; in this way prosperity will come to you.

God did a lot of amazing things in my life!!! There are no fitting words to describe how he blessed me so much. It’s amazing to live life with a peaceful and joyful heart in spite being in a chaotic world.

Thank you Jesus for your blessing, mercy and grace, Thank you God for taking me out of the dark and opening my eyes to things that I failed to see. Thank you for your mercy and forgiveness, for changing my heart, for giving me a better perspective and for transforming my life in a way that I never imagined. Lord, you are truly amazing! And I am looking forward of embracing you in Heaven.

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